The Big Thaw Game Cheats

The game has different modes for players like ‘Free Build’ mode in which you can experiment with any build from a large selection of fully licensed parts from real-world manufacturers and by these way you can learn to make your own dream PC. High score 400000. Uzbieraj 400 thousand points. Pro score 750000. Uzbieraj 750 thousand points. Sick score 1250000. Uzbieraj 1,25 million points. High combo 300000.

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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Get Super Cocos Easy

At Lon-Lon Ranch as a kid, go to the room wereTalon is sleeping. Before you talk to him, pickup all the chickens and throw them into thecorner near the stairs where they cant get out.Once the room is clear of all the chickens, wakeup Talon and play the game. Now the only chickensin the big area of the room are the super cocos.

Getting Biggoron's Sword

Use the following long trading sequence as an adult to get Biggoron's Sword. Go to the lady that gave young Link the empty bottle, when her Cuccos were rescued. She will give Link a Pocket Cucco egg. Wait for the egg to hatch, then bring it to Talon in Kakariko Village. Bring the Cucco back to the lady, to receive Cojiro, the Blue Cucco. Go to the Lost Woods, then turn right at the entrance. Give Cojiro to the man to receive an OddMushroom, which will spoil if too much time is wasted. Rush to the Potion shop inKakariko Village, then go left into the room. Run into the shop to the right, then givethe Mushroom to the lady at that location. She will give Link an Odd Potion. Hurry back to the Lost Woods. The man will be gone, but a Kokiri will be here. Give the Potion to her to receive the Poacher's Saw. Ride the horse to Gerudo Valley. There is a broken bridge here, so whip Epona to jump it. Give the saw to the carpenter that is outside to receive Biggoron's Broken Sword. Go to the top of Death Mountain, then walk to the right. Biggoron will appear, rubbing his eyes. He has an eye infection and will give link a Prescription. Bring the Prescription to King Zora after he has been unfrozen toreceive the Eyeball frog, an ingredient for the Eyedrops. Hurry to the LakesideLaboratory at Lake Hylia and give the Eyeball Frog to the Old Man. He will giveLink the Eyedrops. Hurry back up to the Death Mountain Summit and ive theEyedrops to Biggoron. After using them, he will give Link a Claim Check. Waitthree days (play the Sun's Song six times to quickly pass the time), give himback the Claim Check to receive Biggoron's Sword. This weapon is twice aspowerful as the Master Sword, and will not break like the Giant's Knife. Note: IfLink is late during any of the time-sensitive parts of the trade, the game willrestart back at the person you need to give the item to, and will cost you tenrupees, but will allow another try. Ocarina songs may not be used to teleport to alocation during the trade.

Unlimited Money

As an adult go to the Temple in the Lost Woods.There will be a monster with a hammer if you hithim with your sword a few times he will die.Ifyou hit him with your Hookshot he will bestunned.When you kill him you will get a lot ofrubbies.After you kill him play the Minuel ofForest.And he will there again.KILL HIM!!!

Free Blue Rupee

As a kid go to the shop where you get your DukuShield and go towards the right wall and gofoward to find a Blue Rupee.

Four Bottles

Bottles are one of the most useful items in Zelda! Here are the locations of all four..

Defeating Ganondorf And Ganon

Before you go face Ganondorf, make sure you haveeverything, all weapons (especially the LightArrow, which you can get at the Temple of Timewhen you save all the Sages), all 100 GoldSkulltulas, all Gold Skulltula gifts, all HeartPieces, and all the Great Fariy gifts. REALLYmake sure you have the Great Fariy gift of doubledefense (which is near Ganon's Castle). With yourfor bottles, make sure you have two fariys andtwo bottles of blue potion. When you havedestroyed the sage barriers protectingGanondorf's Tower, go in, dodge the flamingKeese, and go to the first door, and defeat thetwo Lizofoes. Go through the door after defeatingthem, up the stairs and through the next door.You'll see a chest with the Boss Key in it, andto get it, you'll need to defeat the twoStalfoes. Go through the next door, up thestairs, and through another door with two IronKnuckles. If you want to hurt them real quick,use a Bombchu. When they're defeated, just gothrough a few more doors and use the Boss Key.When you reach the last door, a cartoon will showGanondorf playing the organ with Princess Zeldaas his prisoner, and Triforce symbols coming onZelda's and Link's hands, and Ganondorf takingZelda's Triforce of Wisdom, adding it to hisTriforce of Power. Before Ganondorf startstalking, Link's Triforce of Courage will refillhis health and magic. When the game introducesGanondorf, immeditly run to the outside, becauseGanondorf will hit the floor and the blocks willfall and he'll create a pillar for himself. Youwon't be able to use Navi's Z-Targeting for awhile. When he starts to use an energy ball, drawyour sword and repel it to send it back to him.After a few games of tennis (as I like to callit), the ball will hit Ganondorf, and he'll bestinned for a few seconds. Quickly draw out yourbow and transform your arrows into Light Arrows,and fire one at Ganondorf. When he is hit, Navican use Z-targeting again and you can use yourLongshot on Ganondorf to pull yourself to him, oruse your Hover Boots (I'd recomend the Longshot),and attack Ganondorf with your sword. WhenGanondorf is about to get up (you'll know whenyou see the Light Arrow's dust goes away), useyour Longshot on the stain-glass window to getaway from him. If you don't get away, he'll hitthe pillar and some of the blocks will fall away.If Ganondorf's about to make a portal where he'lluse a few energy balls, just use a Light Arrowsince it takes him a while to use it. Do all thatI've told you how to get at Ganondorf a few timesand you'll soon win. If you run out of life ormagic, drop down the pillar, and break the jarsfor them. When you beat Ganondorf, all yourhealth and magic will be filled up again, andPrincess Zelda will be free. But, with his lastbreath, Ganondorf tries to bring down the tower.You and Zelda have three (3) minutes to get out.Zelda will unlock doors and you'll fightmonsters. After about two or three doors, Zeldawill be trapped in a ring of fire, and toextinguish it, you'll have to defeat twoStalfoes. DON'T USE YOUR MAGIC! SAVE IT! Whenthey're defeated, Zelda will give you hearts ifyou lost any, or if you didn't, she'll give yourupees. After a while, you'll go over the bridgethat led you to the beginning of the tower, andyou'll see a ReDead. Dodge it, and Zelda willopen the last door. After the tower falls, youand Zelda hear a loud BOOM. Go over to the pileof stones, and a ring of fire will separate youfrom Zelda, creating an arena. Ganondorf willcome out of the pile, and the Triforce of Powerwill change him into a monster, and he will nowbe Ganon. Ganon has two big swords, and when Linkraises the Master Sword to block one, the MasterSword will fly out of his grasp, next to Zelda.This time Navi will be able to help you. To startthe battle, cast Nayru's Love to form aprotective shield. Roll under Ganon's legs. Histail is his weak point, so slash at it with theBiggoron Sword. If you don't have the sword, usethe Megaton Hammer. Keep doing this a few times.After a while, Ganon will fall, and the fire willgo away. By then, Nayru's Love will end. Run toZelda and get the Master Sword. Make sure theMaster Sword is your sword to use. When theMaster Sword is ready, run back to Ganon. Thering of fire will come back, and you have time toslash at Ganon's tail. Ganon will be much faster,so to get to his tail, fire Light Arrows at hisface. He'll be blind for a while, and you canthen use the Master Sword on his tail. If you runout of magic, use a blue potion, or have Ganonslash a t a pillar to get faries or magic jars.Keep fighting Ganon and soon he'll will fall.Zelda will use her magic to hold Ganon down andtell you to use your sword. The Master Sword willglow with the power to bring Ganon down, and allyou have to do is use the sword on his face.Ganon will act wild and Zelda will call to thesix Sages, and they'll suck Ganon into the EvilRealm. A cartoon will show Link and Zelda in theclouds, and Zelda will tell Link to put theMaster Sword back at the Temple of Time and closethe Door of Time. Link will give the Ocarina toZelda, and after he is taken away, you'll see acartoon of everyone celebrating at the Lon LonRanch, and see the five Sages you rescued. Andfinally, it'll show Link as a boy again, Naviparting with him, and Link going to the castle tosee the young Princess Zelda looking forGanondorf, and thankfull Link is alive.Congratulations! You beat the game!

Free Goron Tunic

After you have grown-up inside the Goron's cavethere will be a little goron rolling in place ofthe bigger one. The only thing is that if you getclose to him he will turn around. what you haveto do is make sure he is in the small cavern nearthe north wall. Then pull out a bomb then thow itbehind him so that when he turns around he willget hit by the explosion and stop. Talk to himabout the dragon then the gorons. After youfinish talking he will give you the Tunic and theshop will open.

Hide And Seek

At Lon-Lon Ranch as a kid, go to the room wereTalon is sleeping. Before you talk to him, pickup all the chickens and throw them into thecorner near the stairs where they cant get out.Once the room is clear of all the chickens, wakeup Talon and play the game. Now the only chickensin the big area of the room are the super cocos.

Frozen Zora's Domain

Zora's Domain will be frozen when playing as anadult. There is no way to thaw it.

Ending Bonus

Successfully complete the game and wait atthe 'The End' screen. Eventually,the Scarecrow's Song will begin playing withdifferent instruments.

Easy Way Past The Geurdo

To knock out a Geurdo thief, simply shoot herwith an arrow. To freeze her, usethe hookshot or longshot.

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Malon's Obstacle Course

Return to Lon Lon Ranch after getting Talon to go back home (by waking him upwith the Cucco the girl in Kakariko Village gives Link). Complete Malon'sobstacle course as an adult (talk to her while on Epona) in under fifty seconds.If successful, she'll give Link a cow. It will be at his house in Kokiri Forest.Use it to get Lon Lon Milk by playing Epona's Song in front of the cow.

Free Fairies

Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of a Gossip Stoneand they will give you a free Fairy.Play the Song of Storms in front of a GossipStone and it will give you a Big Fairy.Get a butterfly to land on a Deku stick and itwill turn into a Fairy. Slowly walktowards the butterfly with a Deku Stick out; thisrequires patience. Play the Songof Storms near a soft patch of soil with a MagicBean planted. It will grow andproduce three regular Fairies.

Before Opening The Door Of Time

After collecting the 3 Spiritual Stones, Naviwill urge Link to go to the castle.Before doing so, try to collect all the heartsand the Gold Skulltula tokens and getthe master sword. Gandorf will take the Triforceand turn Link into a adult makinghalf the heart pieces and Gold Skulltulasinaccessible.

Stretch A Gossip Stone

Drop a bomb near a Gossip Stone to have it blastoff into space.

Kill The Rolling Goron

To kill the giant rolling Goron in Goron City,bomb him around ten times. After theninth bombing, he will grunt and the otherGoron's will run out to kill you.

Chicken Attack

As in previous games in the series, if Linkapproaches a chicken and hurts it insome way, it will call for others to attack. Theattack can be stopped by enteringa door or leaving the area.

Fix A Broken Sign

After slashing a sign and breaking it, playZelda's Lulluby while standing in frontof the pieces.

Ocarina Flats And Sharps

Hold R and press one of the Ocarina playingbuttons to make a sharp note, or Z tomake a flat.

Free Lon Lon Milk

Approach any cow with an empty bottle and play Epona's Song. The song willremind the cow of the pasture, and will give Link free milk.

Get Fire And Ice Arrows

After completing the water temple, go to Lake Hylia. Play the Sun Song at plaquenear the warp point (serenade of water) to make the sun rise. As soon as thishappens, shoot the sun with an arrow and fire arrows will appear. To get icearrows, complete the Geurdo training center.

Illegal Fishing Lure (Sinking Lure)

Use the following steps to get a better fishing lure that can catch more fish. Asan adult, walk to the log that is sticking out in the pond. Walk around on itawhile to find a sinking lure, that can catch fish almost every time. Note: Thelure may only be used once, and if used to catch a record weight fish, thecounterman will not give Link a prize. The sign on the tank will also be markedwith 'With illegal fishing lure.'

Purple Rupees

Kill any enemy with the light arrows to receive apurple rupee.

Rupees With Bunny Mask

After completing the Forest Temple, return to the Temple of Time. Drop theMaster Sword back into the stone to change back to Young Link. Go to the maskshop and make sure Link can borrow the Bunny Mask. Link should also have theGiant's Wallet (that holds 500 rupees) for this trick to be most effective.Thirty Gold Skulltulas should also have been collected, and Link should havetalked to one of the kids in the house in Kakariko Village that has the curse onthem to get the wallet. Buy as much as possible with the current amount ofrupees. Go to Hyrule Field and run to the right, towards Lon Lon Ranch. Run untila man running around like an idiot comes into view. Follow him until he sits downand gets tired. Wear on the Bunny Mask and talk to him. He will ask for the maskand fill Link's wallet with rupees.

Easiest And Ultimate Ruby Collection

Go to the drawbridge in front of the marketplace during the day and run up to thetop of one of the chains. Wait for night to arrive (or play the Sun's Song).Carefully run across the bridge to collect three red rubies worth an easy 60rupees. Play the Sun's Song again to lower the drawbridge. Go into the market andcome back out again to repeat the trick.

Breaking Open Boxes

To break open a regular brown wooden box, justrun at it and press A. Link will rolland smash open the box. This is useful whenfinding all the chickens and to get aSkulltula in the Marketplace room with the pots.

Money From Trees

Run at a tree as young Link and press A to roll and slam into it. Then, askulltula or some rupees will usually fall out.

Unlimited Money

Go to the Lost Woods and find the Skull Kid whois alone as adult Link. Then, lockonto and kill him, and he will give you 200rupees. Enter a door, return, andrepeat the process to collect an unlimited amountof money.

Getting The Biggest Quiver

Enter the archery game as an adult after getting the Gerudo Membership Card. Itcosts 20 rupees to play, but is worth it. Play the first time and get 1,000points and to receive a Heart Container. Play the game a second time and get1,500 points and to receive the Biggest Quiver, which holds up to fifty arrows.When starting the archery game, aim for the bullseye and fire to get 100 pointseach time. Also shoot at the target at the end. When you come around the endtarget, aim for the clay jars. Shoot them to collect 100 points per jar. Keepgetting 100's on the targets and successfully shoot all the clay jars to get therequired 1,500 points for the Biggest Quiver.

Getting Gold Skulltulas

Capture a bug in a bottle and drop them on some soft soil, where Link would putsome Magic Beans. Then, a Gold Skulltula will appear. Kill it and get your newfound token. This works on all of them except the soft soil spot right next tothe man that sells the Magic Beans.

Finding Gold Skulltulas

Hunt only at night because that is the time that the Gold Skulltulas appear. Someappear while Link is a child and some appear while he is an adult. A few appearduring both these times. The Skulltulas like dirt patches, where the magic beansmay be planted. Use a bottle of bugs to surface the spiders. Nine of the tenspots contain a Skulltula. Some like to hide in trees, so check them with a rollattack. It is wise to check most trees because most all of them have a good prizesuch as bombs or rupees if not a gold Skulltula. The Skulltulas can be inslingshot range many times, but require a boomerang to retrieve the token. Theyalso love to hide in crates, so use the roll attack to break them.

Finding A Bag That Holds 40 Seeds

Go to the Lost Woods. After entering, turn right and continue forward to a ledgewith a fence and ladder to the left. A metal circular object will be suspendedfrom a tree at this location. Shoot it three times exactly in the center with theslingshot and to receive the bag. A '100' will flash when your shot hits thecenter. You must score '100' three times in a row.

Finding Nayru's Love

Nayru's Love is a protective barrier that helps Link withstand damage. It can befound by blowing up the crack between the two palm trees in Desert Colossus.

Finding The Giant's Knife

Go to Goron City as young Link. On one of the floors is a wall that appearsquestionable. Blow it up, then keep destroying the other walls behind it. Talk tothe big may to learn that he is working on a weapon. Return as older Link toreceive the Giant's Knife.

Finding Saria

To find Saria, go to the Lost Woods and move in the following directions: Right,Left, Right, Left, Center, Left, Right.

Free Milk


After you learn Epona's song go to a cow and playthe song. The cow will tell you she can producelots of milk and give you free milk instead ofpaying for it from Talon.

Hurting Epona

While you are riding Epona, take out your bow andshoot her on the neck and she will make a loudnay.


Over 100 Gold Skultulas

You must have: Bombs, Boomerang, And the Song ofStorms to do this trick. - In order to get asmany gold skultullas as you want, you should goto the tree right next to where you first metTalon. Then you play the song of storms. A holewill open and you can jump down.You will see thatparts of the wall are able to be bombed, so bombthe walls, and behind one of them is a goldskulltula get right up next to the teleporter soyou have it as close as you can behind you. onceyou kill the gold skultulla, Z-target the coin,then throw your boomerang at it, as it comesback, do a back-flip into the teleporter, youwill get the coin. if you go back down there, theskulltula will still be there, You can do this asmany times as you want.

Trading All The Masks

Golden Scale

To get the golden scale, become an adult and thengo fishing. Catch a fish that is at least 15pounds. Keep it then talk to the guy at thecounter ask him to weigh your fish then he willgive it to you.

How To Beat GANON

You will have to stun him in his face with alight arrow then hit him with the gaint's nifeof the hammer on his tail.

How To Beat Dark Link

The easy way is to use a gaints nife and hitunder his shield.

Deku Sword

To find the Deku sword, after being summoned bythe Deku Tree, head east over to the fenced inarea, and enter the small hole. After you crawlthrough head left until you come to the openpassage then head through hang left again untilyou come to an opening with a chest. Inside isthe deku sword. Then exit the way you came. {Note:You may also find some money in the grass too.}

The Big Thaw Game Cheat

Big Ruppes

To get one of the big ruppies go to the lostwoods where the guy stiing by the stump used tobe equiped with the biggorons sword. The skullkid will attack you. Defeat him to get the bigruppe. It's worth about 300!

Defeating Gohma

To defeat Ghoma Inside the Great Deku Tree,use your slingshoot when its eye turns Red. Thenhack and slash him. Repeat until he dies.

Courtyard Windows

In the castle courtyardwhere you meet Zelda, lookon the walls. Inside one off the windows you willsee pictures of Mario, Luigi, and other Nintendocharacters. Shoot that window with your slingshotand you will get a free 20 ruppes. Shoot theother window and a castle gaurd will throw a bombat you!

We have no cheats or codes for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no unlockables for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Glitch: Unlimted Gold Skulltulas

As young Link go to the tree at Hyrule castle nextto where you first meet Talon. Play the song ofstorms to open a secret cave. When you get inthere will be a wall you can bomb in front of you.Bomb the wall left of that one to find a skulltulaand a gold skulltula. Destroy the gold skulltulaand L target the token. Throw the boomarang at it.When the bomarang touches the tokens backflip intothe teleporter. A blank or incomplete message boxwill appear. You will have another gold skulltulaand it will still be in the cave.

The Big Thaw Game Cheats Sims 4

Created by: guy77.Read the full guide..

Created by: Legend_of_Zelda_Rocks.Read the full guide..

The Big Thaw Game Cheats List

Created by: ZeldaGirlieGirl.Read the full guide..

Is video game cheating illegal in the united states of america. And in most cases if the Educational Testing Service, or ETS — the service that administers the SAT for the college board — suspects someone of cheating. Over the 2 million SAT tests taken in a year, and about 4,000 of those scores will be cancelled due to suspected cheating, according to CNN.Instead, the ETS often offers suspected cheaters three different options, according to CNN: 'retake the test, cancel your score, or seek judicial review.' And oftentimes, law enforcement is only contacted when these cheating scandals 'involve large amounts of money,' according to CNN.As Atkins explains to Romper, 'If the College Board concludes that an individual has deliberately gained or attempted to gain or share an unfair advantage on any College Board test, or otherwise threatened the integrity of the test, the College Board will prohibit the individual from taking the SAT, SAT subject tests, or AP exams.' Instead, the ETS will cancel the SAT scores before they are sent to schools.

Created by: kingzor123.Read the full guide..

Created by: supermariodeoxys.Read the full guide..

Beyblade gba game cheats. Created by: pneumonoultramicroscopics.Read the full guide..

Created by: cheatr123.Read the full guide..

The Big Thaw Game Cheats Code

Created by: kingzor123.Read the full guide..