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Get the latest Halo 3 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Halo 3.

Skull On Heretic

Go to were the sword is and look to the left and look to the right and it is wedge in the side.

Easy Way To Kill Hunters

An easy way to kill a hunter quickly is to use arocket launcher or a fuel rod gun. Usually one ortwo hits with these will kill it quickly. If uhave neither aim for the gaps in the armor wereits body is exposed this will also kill thehunter quickly.

Faster Melee Attack


In close range combat, press B, Y, Y, B for faster melee attack.

Gold Skull Locations

Iron SkullIf you die, you restart from the beginning of thelevel.Iron Skull LocationThe “Iron Skull” is located at the very end ofthe first level, “Sierra 117?. It is locatedbehind the building where Sgt. Johnson is beingheld captive, up on the roof. You can gain accessto the roof on the far right side of thebuilding. Travel all the way over to the leftside of the roof, and the Skull will be concealedin the corner.Black Eye SkullBlack Eye Skull Effect: When you lose shield, theonly way to get it back it to melee an enemy.Black Eye Skull Location:This Skull is located in the beginning of thesecond level “Crow’s Nest”, the very room youstart in. Hanging down from the ceiling is somepiping. On top of this piping, on the sidenearest to the large display (the one that Hoodappears on) lies the “Black Eye Skull”.You can gain access to the pipes a few differentways.Tough Luck SkullTough Luck Skull Effect: Your enemies never backdown, always make their saving throws, and alwayscharge you.Tough Luck Skull Location:The Tough Luck Skull is found on the third level,at the point in the level when the huge covenantcruiser flies overhead. On your left is somelarge piping following the road you are walkingon. Underneath this piping are some support beamsthat extend out over a cliff. Jump onto the firstof these beams, and travel to the end of it. Lookto your left, and the Tough Luck Skull will besitting on a rock extending from a cliff edge.Catch SkullCatch Skull Effect: Your Enemies throw LOTS ofgrenades.Catch Skull Location:The “Catch Skull” can be found on the fourthlevel, in the first area where you need todestroy the Wraith Tanks. When you enter thisarea, do not eliminate the Wraith Tanks (Theskull appears when the tanks appear, anddisappears when the tanks are destroyed). TheSkull is located on top of the circular buildingnext to the Anti-Air Tank. You can access theroof using a grenade jump, or jumping on the backof a hog.Fog SkullFog Skull Effect: “You’ll miss those eyes in theback of your head.” You lose your motion sensor.Fog Skull Location:The Fog Skull is found on the level “Floodgate“,at the very beginning of the level. As you arewalking down from the anti-air gun you destroyedin the previous mission, you encounter a ramp(next to a missile launcher). Around this ramp,you hit a checkpoint. At this point, you shouldalso hear a marine yelling, “There! Over There!”.You have a small window of opportunity at thispoint, but it is fairly easy to get the FogSkull. Look up, and to the right, directly at theroof of the building next to the missle launcher.There is a single flood form (not to be mistakenwith the two other flood forms jumping in frontof you) which is holding the skull. Kill himbefore he jumps, and he will drop the skull downto the ground where you can retrieve it. Tooearly, and the skull will get stuck on the roofthough, so just time it carefully.Famine SkullFamine Skull Effect: Enemies drop 50% of the ammothey usually drop.Famine Skull Location:This skull requires a bit of grenade jumpingskill/luck.You can find the “Famine Skull” on the sixthlevel, near the point where the path you followbranches off into two sections (one leading tothe area where you need to let the tanks acrossthe bridge, and the other leading towards thearea where you meet up with the frigate). Takethe right path, as you would if you werecompleting the mission, and you’ll notice astructure above you / to the left of you (nearthe area where you encounter a few ghosts).You need to scale the rocks to the right of thestructure, and then travel across it so that youpass 3 of the large support beams extending intothe cliffs. Inside of the fourth support beam,lies the Famine Skull. A well placed grenadeshould have you up there in no time!Another Way of getting the skull is to Hijack aBrute Chopper (there are plenty in the level thatyou can take), and then drive it up the rocks tothe right of the structure, and jump the ledgeonto the structure. Once on top, simply park theChopper on the slant leading to the skull, andjump on top of the chopper, and then jump to theskull.Thunderstorm SkullThunderstorm Skull Effect: All enemies are givena field promotion, and ranked up to their nextavailable level.Thunderstorm Skull Location:The “Thunderstorm Skull” can be found on thelevel, “The Covenant”, after you take command ofone of the Hornet vehicles. Fly towards thesecond force field generator (the one the Arbiterdisabled), and land. The skull is waiting at thevery top, at the end of the ramp extending overthe sea.Tilt SkullTilt Skull Effect: Makes enemy resistance muchgreater. For example, Brute power armor becomesnearly impossible to take out with nearlyanything except for plasma bursts.Tilt Skull Location:The “Tilt Skull” is found on the level “Cortana”,in the circular room where Cortana mentions thatshe “Likes to play games too…”.It’s a bit difficult to get to, as it requiresgetting on top of the ceiling of the room. Uponentering the room, head towards the left sidewhere you will see some mushroom shapedextrusions along the wall. Get on top of these,and then look up and towards the right foranother set of extrusions. Jump to these. Fromhere, you should be able to jump on top of theceiling of the room, where the Tilt Skull lies inthe center.Mythic SkullMythic Skull Effect: All enemies have doubletheir usual health.Mythic Skull Location:This is probably the easiest Golden skull in thegame to get. It is located in the very beginningof the final level in Halo 3. Begin by headinginto the canyon, but hug the right wall. Verysoon, you will notice that there is a turn to theright that is off the normal trail. Head a bitdown this path, and the “Mythic Skull” will besitting there.

Red Vs Blue Voices

If you watch Red vs blue this is an Easter egg with their voices. At Crow's Nest when you get to the hanger. Then go down the hall you will find a closed door and a marine standing there a conversationwith a other marine on the other side of the door. If on normal Tuckers and Docs voice are the two marines. On heroic its Simmons and Griff. On legendary its church and caboose. (note) easy the marines aren't there.

Unlimited Spartan Laser Ammo

On the level Halo, when you enter the bigbuilding after fighting the flood in the snow,stick Johnson. As soon as he 'Dies' take hisSpartan Laser. This has unlimited ammo. If yourplaying multi-player (Local or Live) kill himmultiple times, until he runs around like alittle girl with no weapons. This ONLYworks with the spartan laser.


No Zoom, but a devastating single shot against an unshielded opponent. It's used in tandem with a shield-depleting weapon like the plasma rifle or pistol.

Cowbell Skull

I finally found a way to get to the sandbox skull. First you just want to make a tunnel of tube box's in between the 2 towers to the right of the sun. When you run out of tubes change to corners but only go straight be careful.

Lower Weapon

During a local match or replay, click Left Analog-stick + LB+ RB + A + Down for approximately three seconds. If done correctly, your weapon will not be visible on your screen. When you shoot, your weapon will be raised again.

Skull-the Storm

You go to the first wraith but don't destroy it and get a deployable cover (from the anti-air wraith) go to the small circle tower closest to the wraith. Place the deployable jump on it and it should be on the tower.

How To Get 2 Cloaking (active Camo)

After getting the survivors of the barracks attack picked up via pelican, go up the stairs from where the jump-pack brutes came out of. Just keep going along that path until you reach an opening. Then in front there should be a small room w/ 2 doors. Take ether. Inside you will find (aside from the cloaking):
- 2 Battle rifles
-Shot gun ammo
-A grav-lift
-A Regenerator.

Beat Level

Get three or four players. On this level alone on EASY you run out of ammo. You can do this even with four people on legendary. Okay first go to a place where their is a lot of fighting. Leave one person behind in a safe and secure area. When the two or three people die, they will respawn at the perosn you left behind. Do this until you complete the level.

Makin' Waves1:08:000:58:230:53:266. Crash bandicoot flash game cheats.


Go to any Halo Map but first go to general settings and go to movement and put it up to 300% Gravity 50% then go to weapons put on infinite bullets and your favorite guns (works for everything except the missile pod and the broken off machine gun torrent or the plasma broken off torrent)put on infinite grenades and instant kills and have some FUN!

Flaming Gravity Hammer And Energy Sword

You'll need 3 people to do this (only on forge). This does twice the damage of regular grav hammer swings (which isn't really that great). So, one person spawns a grav hammer and one sets the tip of it on fire and one picks it up. Then you got yourself a nice hot gravity hammer flamesword! The same steps apply for the energy sword!

Easy Wraith Kills

On the second mission Crows Nest, when you start coming back to the Ops Center, you encounter a ton of drones, just stay on the stairs, don't go further, they will fly to the wall for easy sniping. Also, some might still come at you, but not all of them!(works on any difficulty).

Killball+bubbleshield=fun :)

Ok for this cheat you will need the mythic map pack with the map sandbox. First spawn a killball in forge mode then spawn a few bubbleshields. Next set the bubbleshields for instant respawn. Now throw one of the bubbleshields into the (but only partially if not you will die) killball and walk into the killball through bubbleshield and you should be alive. Note: you can tell if you are in the killball or not by the fact that your screen will be white.

Out Of The Covenant

Go to the level the Covenant and take your warthog the Miranda Keyes leaves for you at the beach to the first tower. Once the tower is in sight there are two ghosts and don't destroy them because you will need them later. Destroy the wraith and the prowlers and then go back for the ghost. Next find a deployable cover for later. Drive the ghost up the small hill where the shade turret is. Destroy it and nudge it down the hill. Now back up to the rock wall and punch it onto the first tower. It may take a couple tries. Once up there keep walking up and there's a part whee you can't reach you will need to throw the deployable cover and jump on it and then up and keep walking. Now it will start to punch you off the right side of the tower and let it because you will fall and then start floating. Float over to the cliff and walk up it and now you will be out of the Covenant. If you go by the top of the tower ahead of you and crouch near the side it should skip the whole level and continue where you get in hornets at the citadel.

Don't Take Any Chances On

When you get to the part of the level 'The Storm' where you come out a door and you see a wrecked ship and two (2) AA wraiths, destroy all enemies. Once Johnson says, 'Stand by. Something big closing in on your position, ' RUN LIKE HECK to cover. Once you do, wait till a guy says, 'Aw, this can't be good, man, ' get on a missle turret. Next, your in for a big surprise. SCARAB! Just take out the circle thing on the back and shoot the core.

Plasma Pistol Stop

1. Plasma pistol
2. Some sort of vehical
3. Halo3
first equip the plasma pistol then have a friend or compete on xbox live charge the plasma pistol till its full then fire at the enemy vehicle. The vehicle should stop but the weapons will still be functional but the vehicle will stop be damaged and you can jack it easier.

Hunters Vs. Flood

In the level, The Covenant, in the part when you are trying to deactivate the third tower, destroy the two anti-air wraiths. ( Destroy the regular wraith if you want.) this will cause the elites to come in and try to kill the covenant. Wait back and try not to get killed. Make sure the elites die before you go inside of the tower. If they don;t, you can kill them yourself. After a little while, land your hornet and go into the tower. (Kill the left over covenant guarding the tower, and the left over elites. ) When that's done, grab the fuel rod gun and the extra ammo left by the chieftain. Go inside of the tower, and kill the brutes that come in from the door. Now, go through the door to the part where the hunters appear. Turn to the left or into the right hallway to avoid contact with the hunters. Kill the drones that come in from the sides, or kill most of them to stay alive. Go in through the second door to where the brutes and the drones that come in from the elevator are. Kill every single one of them, and proceed through the elevator. Kill off the gold chieftain and the brutes as fast as you can ( if your playing this on single player mode. ) so the Arbiter doesn't kill the hunters. Once you've killed the brutes, and you've deactivated the tower, the flood should come in after the video clip. Skip them and go down the elevator. Walla! The flood will attack the arbiter, so help them kill him before the hunters come ( you don't have to kill him. ) . Once arbiter is dead, just watch the hunters and the flood fight. ( This trick is easier if you play in co-op mode, because the Arbiter does not interfere. ).

1 . The first skull is located near the area werethe two phantoms come up to attack you. Go in theright-hand corner direction when the phantomscome up, and then, hanging over the water, is anoverhang with a gold skull on the edge. Hold downthe RB button to pick it up.2. This skull is located at the dams were you freeJohnson and his squad. Just after you cross thebridge with the brute with a gravity-hammer onit, there is a railing made of pipes. Jump onto itand follow it down. Soon, you will be led to asmall alley on the top floor. The skull is justbeside the alley entrance. (Please note you mustbe on the difficulties Normal, Heroic, or Legendaryto collect skulls).

Recon Armour

First insert the the Halo 3 Recon disc or get allthe Four Vidmaster Challenges to then you finallyget recon on Halo 3!

Mythic Map Pack

This is how you download the Mythic Map Pack. Youbuy Halo Wars Limited Edition and when you get itand it will say the names of the thing that youwant on the card. Like the Halo Wars H3 Maps andthe Honor Guard Wraith for Halo 3 and a 48 hourtrial for xbox live.

Plasma Pistol

Hold RB to charge the plasma pistol to full blastand search for your target then when you findyour target fire, it will destroy your enemy'sshields and then finish your enemy of.

Avoid Flood Spores

Game of thrones tabletop rpg. In the level 'Cortana', be careful of thoseswelling spores on the walls! If you break themopen they'll pour out with floods, so when a floodis near one of the spores, wait until it backsaway;unless you want to get pwned by some floods.

Weapon Stash

In the first level after you see Johnson cross the bridge you drop down. You'll see a wreckedpelican next to the cliff. Go to the pelican andthere are a bunch of assault rifles, battlerifles, and a sniper rifle.

Sniper Rifles

In the third level after you have to ditch thewarthogs, you see a bridge overhead. There is asniper next to the small building on top. There'sanother one in the building the marines are innext to the battle rifles. The last one is in thedrop pods after you get to the part where you haveto take down a bunch of wraiths and choppers.

Making Great Sniping Points

In most maps, you can go to forge and place anobject down. Afterward, place something such asa wall that you can stand on. Delete the objectbelow the wall and the wall will float so you cancamp there and snipe. Another thing you could dois put something real big under the platform andthen put a respawn point up there. Put a realawesome gun there so the only way to get it is torespawn there.

Team S.W.A.T Hint On Epitaph

On Epitaph, when you go off the big grav liftthingy, jump on one of the things on the sidethat stick out. When you land on it, you shouldget a good view of below you. When n00bs go offthe lift, they wont know what hit'em!!


To find this Skull, play the level, Halo and theon your right is a path. Take it and you will findthe skull

The Assault Rifle

A great all around weapon. Surprisingly accurate even over long ranges if fired in bursts, the MA5c is still better used up close or at medium range Les potent against shielded enemies, but very effective against grunts and the flood.

Xbox 360 Codes For Free Games

Battle Rifle

A mid-range single burst to the head will deal with most unshielded enemies, but it's a recipe for disaster at close range thank to slow bursts. It's worthless against he flood for the very same reason.

Free Cheat Codes For Xbox 360


Carries less ammo than you're used to, but is the absolute best weapon to take on the flood. It will deplete a fully shielded enemy in a single shot a very close range, but is useless for long range.


One of Halo 2's key weapons is relegated to a supporting role in halo 3. Range is increased but damage is reduced at medium or close range, dual SMG's will make mincemeat of the flood, but like the pistol, it's best paired with the plasma rifle.

How Can You Beat Heroic Easier

To beat Heroic easier is to start a Legendarysolo game and all you have to do is beat eachmission on Legendary then you beat Heroic andLegendary and you get 250 Gamerscore.

Unlimited Turret Guns

Start a game on any map that has turrets withtwo players (more if you wish).Then have one player go find or add a turret,then have that player get on it.The other player should go into editor mode(flying bot) and grab the turret while the otherplayer is still on it.The player on the turret should now press B torip it off.There you go!Notice how the turret on the stand is stillthere even though you have it in you hands?

Kill Scarabs Easier

Killing a scarab is about the same as killing a wraith easier. Instead of getting on the scarab you can shoot a round piece of metal off the back and then you will see the power core. Simply shoot it a couple of times and it will blow up.

Kill Wraiths Easier

To easily kill a wraith, just get behind it andyou will see a hole somewhere in the middle justbelow the gunner. Simply shoot at it and pieceswould break off revealing the power core. Acouple shots to the core would destroy the wraith.This method saves a lot of ammunition and is veryessential on harder difficulties. This is becauseon Legendary the wraith has a very high hit pointand will take a while to go down. Use this methodto destroy it quickly with ANY gun.

Toggle Hide Weapon

This can be performed during a local match or replay only. You must simultaneously PRESS & HOLD the following buttons for 3 SECONDS to toggle the effect on / off.LB + RB + LS + A + DOWN [D-PAD]

Toggle Show Coordinates / Camera Mode

This can be performed during a local match or replay only. You must simultaneously PRESS & HOLD the following buttons for 3 SECONDS to toggle the effect on / off.LB + RB + LS + A + UP [D-PAD]

Toggle Pan-cam / Normal While Show Coordinates Is Enabled

This can be performed during a local match or replay only. You must simultaneously PRESS & HOLD the following buttons for 3 SECONDS to toggle the effect on / off.[HOLD LS + RS] Press Left on D-Pad

Grunt Birthday Party Skull

Fog Skull


The “Iron Skull” is located at the very end ofthe first level, “Sierra 117?. It is locatedbehind the building where Sgt. Johnson is beingheld captive, up on the roof. You can gainaccess to the roof on the far right side of thebuilding. all the way over to the left side ofthe roof, and the Skull will be concealed in thecorner.

Thunderstorm Skull

Thunderstorm Skull Location:The “Thunderstorm Skull” can be found on thelevel, “The Covenant”, after you take command ofone of the Hornet vehicles. Fly towards thesecond force field generator (the one the Arbiterdisabled), and land. The skull is waiting at thevery top, at the end of the ramp extending overthe sea.

Tilt Skull

The “Tilt Skull” is found on the level “Cortana”,in the circular room where Cortana mentions thatshe “Likes to play games too…”.It’s a bit difficult to get to, as it requiresgetting on top of the ceiling of the room. Uponentering the room, head towards the left sidewhere you will see some mushroom shaped extrusionsalong the wall. Get on top of these, and thenlook up and towards the right for another set ofextrusions. Jump to these. From here, you shouldbe able to jump on top of the ceiling of the room,where the Tilt Skull lies in the center.

Mythic Skull

Mythic Skull Location:This is probably the easiest Golden skull in thegame to get. It is located in the very beginningof the final level in Halo 3. Begin by headinginto the canyon, but hug the right wall. Verysoon, you will notice that there is a turn to theright that is off the normal trail. Head a bitdown this path, and the “Mythic Skull” will besitting there.

Tough Luck Skull

The “Catch Skull” is found on the third level, atthe point in the level when the huge covenantcruiser flies overhead. On your left is some largepiping following the road you are walking on.Underneath this piping are some support beams thatextend out over a cliff. Jump onto the first ofthese beams, and travel to the end of it. Look toyour left, and the Tough Luck Skull will besitting on a rock extending from a cliff edge.

Black Eye Skull

Black Eye Skull Effect: When you lose shield, theonly way to get it back it to melee an enemy.Black Eye Skull Location:This Skull is located in the beginning of thesecond level “Crow’s Nest”, the very room youstart in. Hanging down from the ceiling is somepiping. On top of this piping, on the side nearestto the large display (the one that Hood appearson) lies the “Black Eye Skull”.You can gain access to the pipes a few different ways.

What Does A Grunt Really Look Like?

Have you always wondered what a grunt looks likewithout the mask or crazy thing on its back? Wellif you bash the grunts back sometimes the thingwill come off and plasma will radiate out. You can then sometimes see his ugly face!

Blind Skull

In Sierra 117 right after the first fight go to the very right when you are looking out at the waterfall. There will be a ledge. It will be at the edge of the ledge.

Toggle Hide Weapon

During a local game hold LB + RB + Left Analog Stick + A + Down.

Toggle Show Coordinates

During a local game hold: LB + RB + Left Analog Stick + A + Up

Toggle Between Pan-Cam And Normal

During a local game hold: Left Analog Stick + Right Analog Stick and press LEFTwhen 'Show Coordinates' is active.

Eating two Mermadic Kelp in a row will turn your mermaid back into a human! How to use Mermadic Kelp in The Sims 4However you get hold of it, the item will be found in your Sim's inventory; simply click on it and select the 'Eat' option.Once you've chowed down, your Sim will get a new Energised moodlet called 'Strange Sensations', with the accompanying text suggesting that they might like to find themselves a large body of water.Follow that prompt and enter the ocean, and voila! Once your Sim is up to their waist in the water, their new mermaid form will be revealed! Cosmetic details, such as fin colour, will be randomised, but this isn't permanent: you can edit their mermaid appearance using the 'Change Sim' option on a mirror or dresser. Dolphin island game cheats games. How to turn a Mermaid back into a human in The Sims 4After the transformation, Mermadic Kelp can still be consumed, and in fact is now an extremely satisfying meal: eating just one restores 50% of a mermaid's hunger meter.But beware!

Unlock Spartan ODST Head

Complete Tsavo Highway on Normal or higher.

How To Unlock Eva Armor

Eva body- complete tsavo highway on normal or harder.
eva head- complete the halo campaign on normal or harder.
eva shoulders- complete the ark on normal or harder.

Vidmaster Challenge Annual

Complete Campaign with four people in normal, heroic, or legendary with the Iron Skull activated and everybody on Ghosts.

Vidmaster Challenge 7 On 7

Enter a ranked or social playlist with 7 exp on the 7th of the month.

Easy Way To Get Recon Armor

The easiest way to get recon armor is to kill a bungie member at slayer.

Unlock Spartan Recon Helmet

You sometimes might see Bungie employees wearingthe Recon armor. Here's how you get it: First,you need to find a Bungie employee. To do that,look for people with flaming helmets and addthem to your friends list. Then, try to dosomething crazy in matchmaking (like the famoussuicide by traffic cone) and recommend the filmclip of it to the employee. If it's cool enough,Bungie might send it to you as a gift :)

We're In For Some Chop

Destroy an enemy vehicle with equipment in a ranked playlist or in campaign. Worth5 gamerscore.


Score over 50,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the seventh mission. Worth10 gamerscore.

Used Car Salesman

Destroy a vehicle that has three enemies in it in a ranked playlist or incampaign. Worth 5 gamerscore.

Up Close And Personal

Kill 5 enemies by melee or assassination in a ranked free for all playlist(Online). Worth 5 gamerscore.

UNSC Spartan

Earn your Sergeant rating to be recognized as a true Spartan (Online). Worth 15gamerscore.

Two For One

Score a Double Kill with a single spartan laser shot in a ranked free for allplaylist (Online). Worth 5 gamerscore.

Triple Kill

Kill 3 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist(Online). Worth 5 gamerscore.

Tough Luck

Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.

Too Close To The Sun

Destroy an enemy banshee with the spartan laser or missile pod in a rankedplaylist or in campaign. Worth 5 gamerscore.


Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.


Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.

The Road

Finish the third mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth 20gamerscore.

The Key

Finish the eighth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth40 gamerscore.

Steppin' Razor

Score a Triple Kill with the sword in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).Worth 5 gamerscore.

Spartan Officer

Advance to the Spartan Officer ranks (Online). Worth 25 gamerscore.


Finish the final mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth 50gamerscore.


Finish the sixth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth 30gamerscore.


Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the final mission. Worth 10gamerscore.


Score over 50,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the sixth mission. Worth 10gamerscore.


Kill 4 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist(Online). Worth 5 gamerscore.


Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the eighth mission. Worth 10gamerscore.


Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.


Earn the MVP in any ranked playlist (Online). Worth 5 gamerscore.

Mongoose Mowdown

Splatter an enemy with the mongoose in a ranked free for all playlist (Online).Worth 5 gamerscore.

Maybe Next Time Buddy

Board the same vehicle within 10 seconds after being boarded in any free for allplaylist (Online). Worth 5 gamerscore.

Marathon Man

Locate and access all Terminals in the Campaign. Worth 40 gamerscore.

Lee R Wilson Memorial

Score 5 grenade sticks in any ranked free for all playlist (Online). Worth 5gamerscore.

Last Stand

Finish the seventh mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth40 gamerscore.


Finish the first mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth 20gamerscore.

Killing Frenzy

Kill 10 enemies without dying in any ranked free for all playlist (Online). Worth5 gamerscore.


Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.


Finish the second mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth20 gamerscore.

Headshot Honcho

Kill 10 enemies with headshots in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign.Worth 5 gamerscore.


Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the first mission. Worth 10gamerscore.


Earn 5 EXP or finish 10 games to complete the requirements for basic training(Online). Worth 10 gamerscore.


Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.

Fear The Pink Mist

Kill 5 enemies with the needler in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign.Worth 5 gamerscore.


Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.


Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the fifth mission. Worth 10gamerscore.


Free Cheat Codes For Xbox 360 Games

Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the second mission. Worth 10gamerscore.


Finish the fifth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth 30gamerscore.


Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the third mission. Worth 10gamerscore.


Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.

Campaign Complete: Normal

Finish the Campaign on Normal. Worth 125 gamerscore.

Campaign Complete: Legendary

Finish the Campaign on Legendary (normal and heroic are unlocked as well). Worth125 gamerscore.

Campaign Complete: Heroic

Finish the Campaign on Heroic (normal is unlocked as well). Worth 125 gamerscore.

Black Eye

Find and claim this skull when playing on Normal, Heroic or Legendary difficulty.Worth 10 gamerscore.


Finish the fourth mission of the Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary. Worth30 gamerscore.


Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the fourth mission. Worth 10gamerscore.

Unlock Spartan OD Body

Complete The Ark on Normal difficulty or higher.

Unlock Spartan EVA Head

Complete The Ark on Legendary difficulty.

Unlock Spartan EOD Head

Unlock 'Too Close to the Sun' Achievement.

Unlock Elite Flight Body

Unlock 'Up Close and Personal' Achievement.

Unlock Elite Commando Body

Earn 850 Gamerscore points.

Unlock Spartan Security Head

Unlock 'Mongoose Mowdown' Achievement.

Unlock Spartan Scout Head

Unlock 'UNSC Spartan' Achievement.

Unlock Spartan Rogue Head

Complete The Ark on Heroic difficulty or higher.

Unlock Elite Flight Head

Unlock 'Overkill' Achievement.

Unlock Elite Ascetic Head

Unlock 'Killing Frenzy' Achievement.

Unlock Elite Commando Head

Collect 9 hidden skulls.

Unlock Spartan Hayabusa Helmet

Collect 5 hidden skulls.


Katana is unlocked when you complete all Achievements (1000/1000) and find all skulls.

We have no easter eggs for Halo 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

AAA Wraith Glitch

Go to a level were there is a AAA Wraith (the redish-purple wraith) and kill the defense turret gunner and the surrounding enemies. Then knock off the tank 'door' and destroy the drivers armor. Move until the screen DOESN'T say 'hold RB to hijack'. Pull out a semiautomatic (pistol, BR, shotgun. ), hold RB and shoot. You should kill the brute and instantly board the wraith.

Created by: evilmonkey13.Read the full guide..

Created by: bongo 2.0.Read the full guide..

Created by: evilmonkey13.Read the full guide..

Created by: Popcan3.Read the full guide..

Created by: Brandon3000xxx.Read the full guide..

Created by: zukalous.Read the full guide..

All Achievements In One Shot

To do this you need 16 people and you need to be on rat's nest. You have to be. Put 5 warthogs going back to back where you see the pelican and put 15 out of the 16 people in your party in the warthogs. One person needs a spartan laser and needs to crouch in front of the warthog line and fire at the front of the warhogs and you should see the achievements like assassination, laser kill, double kill, triple kill, over kill, extermination, kilamanjaro, killing spree, killing frenzy, used car salesman, etc.

Legendary Map Achievements

Look both ways- To unlock it, you must obtain aSplatter Spree in either a Ranked or Socialgametype on a Legendary map
Road Rage- on a Legendary or Mythic map, score 5kills using the Warthog's chaingun turret duringany ranked or social match
Flag Dropped- you have to get two Flag CarrierKills during any ranked or social match in aLegendary or Mythic Map Pack
Defend This- you have to get a flag melee killduring any ranked or social game on a Legendaryor mythic map
Came. From. Behind- you have to get 3Assassination kills during any ranked or socialgame on a Legendary or mythic map
Alas, Poor Yorick- when you get 3 Oddball meleekills in a ranked or social match on a Legendarymap or Mythic map
Double Double- you have to get two double killsduring any ranked or social game on a Legendarymap.